Ready I am not yet ready to even begin thinking about Christmas this year. The lights are not yet up (typically do this Thanksgiving weekend). There are absolutely no decorations around the house. I haven't even begun thinking about gifts. The thing is, I want to get going... I just cannot seem to find the time. This... Continue Reading →
Day 2 – Rule
Rule We live in a world of rules. They are everywhere. Most of the rules make a lot of sense. (Could you imagine what driving would be like if didn't have any traffic laws?) Some of them have outlived their usefulness. (Who cares which side of the street I tie up my donkey?) Some of them... Continue Reading →
Day 1 – Time
Time Let's face it, no matter how you slice it, time does not appear to be our friend. When we are looking forward to something, it crawls. When we are enjoying life, if flies by too fast. Once gone, it never returns... leaving us with nothing but memories and nostalgia. It dulls our senses and... Continue Reading →
Day 0 – Hope
Hope Ferguson · Climate change · Pandemic disease · Drought · Famine · Global population that exceeds global resources · 1%ers · Waning educational standard · Economic fragility · · · (the list is endless) The future is full of scary boogiemen. Advent asks us to take a radical position. It dares us to hope. It dares us to face our deep desire that God be manifest... Continue Reading →
Advent Photo a Day Challenge 2014
This is the second year in a row that I will challenge myself to hold to a daily Advent discipline of capturing a photo each day based on a prescribed daily theme. I will again post these photos in three locations: The VMWishes blog site (here) The VMWishes photo gallery The CTS Lutheran Facebook page... Continue Reading →
The “Original” Top Ten List
It has been a while since I've posted anything. I've wanted to. I've had ideas. I just haven't found the time (when I wasn't entirely exhausted) to actually do so. I spent this morning cleaning out my email inbox (got it down from 2500 entries with 350 unread to only 50 and none unread.)... Continue Reading →
Lent – Patience
What a great ending to my venture into the 2014 Lenten photo-a-day discipline. I wasn't sure where I was going to go with this today. I was ready to ruminate about our eagerness to move on from the self-reflection of Lent to the joy of Easter resurrection, but having to spend this day between the... Continue Reading →
Lent – Suffering
When most Christians are asked what they feel is the holiest day in the church year, I suspect most will say Easter, with Christmas coming in a fairly close second. For me, the most holy day of the year is today. Good Friday, not Easter, is when Christ showed the world who he really... Continue Reading →
Lent – Bread
Another day where I woke up with a solid plan for my daily photo. This one was going to be so easy. I had already planned on making bread today to see if I couldn't fix my standard recipe to get it a little softer (hint I heard on NPR). But then, life... Continue Reading →
Lent – Solemn
Here was another word that was hard to photograph. Solemnity is not a visual thing. It is a state of mind, a feeling of importance, an intentionality. We mark the important milestones in our lives with solemn ceremonies. We observe the cyclic markers in our seasons with solemn holidays and holy days. We approach... Continue Reading →