When the Heart is Heavy

The world seems to be tilting in the wrong direction these days. There’s a lot, too much, to process. What is laying heavy on your heart? Something on this list, or something else? The list is unfortunately not all inclusive. How are you lessening the heaviness? That list is also not all inclusive. Being in healthy community helps to carry the burdens and to recover the joy. Where are you finding community?

When the Heart is Heavy

From news of yet another mass shooting,
Looking for sure footing,
Or sanctioned ethnic cleansing

From broken relationships,
Living life on the margins,
Or a sense of the prophetic

From living with or witnessing injustice,
Longing to make things right,
Or a lack of common good

From moving on after the pandemic,
The end of friendships,
Or looking for belonging

From so much change,
The loss of a child or parent or spouse,
Or so much division

From feeling like an extra,
Seeing humanity at its ugliest,
Or a hard to pin down unease

Now is the time for 

Pausing the scroll,
A slow walk in the woods,
Or service to others

A long chat over coffee,
Reading stories of goodness,
Or gathering for meals

Offering kindness,
Making the little things count,
Or befriending the stranger

Listening with the heart,
Catching up by slowing down,
Or letting go of what was

Looking to see,
Inviting into the circle,
Or finding humanity’s beauty

Saying sorry,
Extending a hand, a smile, the heart,
Or practicing sanctuary and sabbath

2 thoughts on “When the Heart is Heavy

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  1. echoing down through the ages, we hear John – about a light in the darkness, a light the darkness can’t put out – and we wonder in what way his words might be true. While it’s true darkness does not extinguish light, it is possible that we can find ourselves so far from the light that it is imperceptible, that is to say, invisible to us. In such a place, only a foolish faith can still speak of a light we cannot see.

    1. This is true. And in the heaviness, darkness, or chaos, can we detect a faint glow from the light-bearers around us? Are we bringing the light to others? From The Servant Song, one of my favorites…

      I will hold the Christ-light for you
      In the night-time of your fear;
      I will hold my hand out to you,
      Speak the peace you long to hear.

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