
GO! Go where? Go and…? Did you make New Year’s resolutions this year? Again? Because? Because this will be the year that they stick? Hmmm… Four years ago I switched over to picking a word for the year. Sometimes these are called star words. There’s a website,, where you can sign up with your... Continue Reading →

Home, Part 2

Tonight I get to sleep in my bed, on my pillows, after being out of the house for three months. October 8, 2021 we headed out that Friday morning to St. Louis. While we were only gone a week, we haven’t slept in our house until tonight. Home explains a bit about what happened. Shortly... Continue Reading →


The word epiphany comes from the Greek ἐπιφάνεια meaning “to make manifest, to show forth, to appear”. We use it when we have those “aha! moments”, when something becomes clear that wasn’t previously. But what was being revealed at Epiphany? What do we see, that we hadn’t before? Anam Cara Ministries, Facebook post 1/5/22 Apocalypse, per... Continue Reading →


The Sea of Cortez way beyond. On a recent trip to Mexico, the third attempt at this trip due to the pandemic, I started photographing portals, windows and doorways. The resort we were staying at provided plenty of portals. As I look at the portals I’ve tagged as my favorites, I’m noticing the elements that... Continue Reading →


1: the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens.2: the ability of something to return to its original shape after it has been pulled, stretched, pressed, bent, etc. Sitting in church today, I started thinking about these stupid little communion "snack packs" and how much I want to return to receiving the... Continue Reading →


Home…this year’s reflection focus for Advent and the season of Christmas. Sounds pretty light and comforting doesn’t it? Except that the concept of home can bring a range of emotions, conjure a variety of memories, and is experienced is different ways physically, emotionally, and spiritually at different times of our lives and around the globe.... Continue Reading →

Advent 26 – Child

Thought I would share something I noticed about the Christmas narrative that I hadn’t caught before. While the imagery of the heavenly host appearing to the shepherds on the outskirts of town might seem hard to swallow... While the tranquil imagery of the barn delivery so often shared may seem unrealistic… Last night I realized... Continue Reading →

Advent 25 – Greeting

One of the simplest joys in life is to feel wanted, truly wanted. We live in a world driven by commerce and the all mighty pursuit of productivity and wealth accumulation. It seems as though the only business models are all structured on how to get as much money out of their customers with as... Continue Reading →

Advent 24 – Flock

Some days the assigned word has me flummoxed. I have no clue how I'm going to capture it. I simply have to hope that my eyes are open enough to see the word when it presents itself. Some days the assigned word is a cake walk. I set out for the day confident that I'm... Continue Reading →

Advent 22 – Feed

(Yes, I'm playing catchup here. Yes, this was supposed to be posted two days ago. It was a long/tiring day at work and I just wasn't motivated to be on top of it. So both the post and the photo are from today.) On those years when I take up the photo-a-day challenge for Advent... Continue Reading →

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