Day 11-Love

Love is an interesting word.  It means so many different things to so many different people in so many different ways. As we walk through the season of Advent, however, we are asked to remember that love is more than an emotion.  It is a verb.  It is what we do for others. In this case,... Continue Reading →

Day 10 – Shoes

Thought I'd be a little whimsical today! This is actually a sequence of 6 individual photos that I overlayed on top of one another. Enjoy!

Day 9 – Truth

"Truth... What is that?" - Pontius Pilate "Do you want the truth?  Yes, I want the truth.  You can't handle the truth!!!" - dialog from A Few Good Men "Truth will only make you unpopular." - Wolfgang Borchert "Truth is mighty and will prevail. There is nothing the matter with this, except that it ain't so." - Mark... Continue Reading →

Day 8 – Candle

After 2 days of torment, the photo-a-day list finally smiled on me. Not only was the word (candle) something easy to photograph, not only was a sitting at the table looking at our Advent wreath when I went to look up the word for today, not only was the camera just four steps away, but... Continue Reading →

Day 7 – Immaculate Heart of Mary

Come on... Give me a break!   Yes, I used a Catholic photo-a-day list, but as a Lutheran, these last two days have been difficult to get my head around the topic. So, I punted (I promise that I'll get back on track).  Today at Chrysalis (synod high school youth retreat), we did an exercise led... Continue Reading →

Day 6 – Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today and tomorrow are going to be a bit tricky for me as they are very much part of the RC tradition, but not so much the Lutheran tradition.  Again, I had to do a bit of digging to understand what a Catholic thinks/feels when he hears "Sacred Heart of Jesus."  Among other things, I... Continue Reading →

Day 5 – Prepare

This weekend, I will accompany a couple students from church to Chrysalis, the Metro D.C. Lutheran Synod Youth Ministry retreat for high schoolers.  While there, I will function as one of the small group discussion facilitators.  I have lost track of the number of times I have attended in this role---but the first time I... Continue Reading →

Day 4 – Martyr

One of the things I find fascinating about the photo-a-day challenges during Advent and Lent is that I am never quite sure where the trip will take me.   Today was one of those days. This morning, I had absolutely no idea how to photograph the word martyr. So like any tech savvy geek, I went... Continue Reading →

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