Day 23 – Prophecy

Prophecy 1Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, 2Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him. Matthew 2:1-2... Continue Reading →

Day 21 – Peace

Peace Christmas is almost here! There is still so much to do. My wife and I are handling the stress very differently—and I suspect we are adding to each other's stress as a result of these different approaches.  She has been scampering around doing thousands of tasks.  I am in denial—and will begin scampering over the... Continue Reading →

Day 19 – Comfort

Comfort I was stuck on today's word when I was thinking about the comfort (n) rather than comfort (v). Yes, we live in such extreme comfort compared to most of the world and most of history.  But that didn't feel right for this photo-a-day discipline (Thanksgiving, fine... not Advent). But, all of the food, warmth, safety,... Continue Reading →

Day 17 – Speak

Speak After nearly a week of a coughing and a sore ribcage... Speaking is not an easy task right now. It's painful. It often triggers more coughing. But this is not the way things should be. The ability to speak is something we take for granted. We do it without even thinking about how we do... Continue Reading →

Day 16 – Vision

Vision     We like to believe that seeing is believing. But time and time again, we are confronted by the fact that our vision may not always be accurate. Our point of view, our focus, and depth of field all impact what we see. Sometimes when we focus too closely on the details, we... Continue Reading →

Day 15 – Light

Light   Advent is a time of the year that we think a lot about light. The days are getting shorter.  Everyone is decorating their homes with lights to drive away the dreariness of dark. Our Jewish friends are getting ready to celebrate the miracle of light. We look forward to the arrival of the Christ... Continue Reading →

Day 14 – Joy

Joy God definitely has a quirky sense of humor.  Today is my birthday—a day that should be replete with examples of joy... but no, today I spent the day on the couch trying to shake the flu.  I feel like I've been run over by a freight train. Yet that does not change the fact... Continue Reading →

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