Day 10 – Shoes

Thought I'd be a little whimsical today! This is actually a sequence of 6 individual photos that I overlayed on top of one another. Enjoy!

Day 9 – Truth

"Truth... What is that?" - Pontius Pilate "Do you want the truth?  Yes, I want the truth.  You can't handle the truth!!!" - dialog from A Few Good Men "Truth will only make you unpopular." - Wolfgang Borchert "Truth is mighty and will prevail. There is nothing the matter with this, except that it ain't so." - Mark... Continue Reading →

Day 8 – Candle

After 2 days of torment, the photo-a-day list finally smiled on me. Not only was the word (candle) something easy to photograph, not only was a sitting at the table looking at our Advent wreath when I went to look up the word for today, not only was the camera just four steps away, but... Continue Reading →

Day 7 – Immaculate Heart of Mary

Come on... Give me a break!   Yes, I used a Catholic photo-a-day list, but as a Lutheran, these last two days have been difficult to get my head around the topic. So, I punted (I promise that I'll get back on track).  Today at Chrysalis (synod high school youth retreat), we did an exercise led... Continue Reading →

Day 6 – Sacred Heart of Jesus

Today and tomorrow are going to be a bit tricky for me as they are very much part of the RC tradition, but not so much the Lutheran tradition.  Again, I had to do a bit of digging to understand what a Catholic thinks/feels when he hears "Sacred Heart of Jesus."  Among other things, I... Continue Reading →

Day 5 – Prepare

This weekend, I will accompany a couple students from church to Chrysalis, the Metro D.C. Lutheran Synod Youth Ministry retreat for high schoolers.  While there, I will function as one of the small group discussion facilitators.  I have lost track of the number of times I have attended in this role---but the first time I... Continue Reading →

Day 4 – Martyr

One of the things I find fascinating about the photo-a-day challenges during Advent and Lent is that I am never quite sure where the trip will take me.   Today was one of those days. This morning, I had absolutely no idea how to photograph the word martyr. So like any tech savvy geek, I went... Continue Reading →

Day 2 – Violet

A few weeks ago, I purchased a backup camera for helping me hook up trailers to my truck. The wiring harness that I was provided doesn't work with my electrical hookup (despite what the product description claims.)  So today, I began researching what I need to do to the harness to allow it to work... Continue Reading →

Day 1 – Wreath

As much as I love the Advent/Christmas season, I am just not ready for it this year. Most years, I try to start the outdoor decorations on Thanksgiving weekend.  Despite the fact that the weather was good this past weekend, I completely failed to get started on hanging the lights, the ribbons, or the wreath (which... Continue Reading →

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