Filled Bowl filled with good soup, tale of renewed Christmas Hope, souls filled with new warmth.
Day 17 – Speak
Speak After nearly a week of a coughing and a sore ribcage... Speaking is not an easy task right now. It's painful. It often triggers more coughing. But this is not the way things should be. The ability to speak is something we take for granted. We do it without even thinking about how we do... Continue Reading →
Day 16 – Vision
Vision We like to believe that seeing is believing. But time and time again, we are confronted by the fact that our vision may not always be accurate. Our point of view, our focus, and depth of field all impact what we see. Sometimes when we focus too closely on the details, we... Continue Reading →
Day 15 – Light
Light Advent is a time of the year that we think a lot about light. The days are getting shorter. Everyone is decorating their homes with lights to drive away the dreariness of dark. Our Jewish friends are getting ready to celebrate the miracle of light. We look forward to the arrival of the Christ... Continue Reading →
Day 14 – Joy
Joy God definitely has a quirky sense of humor. Today is my birthday—a day that should be replete with examples of joy... but no, today I spent the day on the couch trying to shake the flu. I feel like I've been run over by a freight train. Yet that does not change the fact... Continue Reading →
Day 13 – Path
Path Imagine for a moment that you are a swimmer. (OK, Anna, I know you don't have to imagine this.) Imagine that you arrived at the pool to find that your lane, your swimming path, was something other than straight. It would be rather unsettling. The only way to cope would be to keep your mind... Continue Reading →
Day 12- Patience
Patience In our hectic lives, it is hard to sit still. It feels as though we are squandering our most precious commodity—time. Advent is a strange time. We work to prepare our homes and our lives for Christmas (often forgetting how to properly prepare). There doesn't seem to be enough time to get everything done. Yet... Continue Reading →
Day 11- Eternity
Eternity Normally when we think about the concept of eternity, we focus (no pun intended) on time. The task is daunting. Our individual lives are but a blink in the eye of all humanity... and humanity is but a blink in the eye of all life on Earth... and life on Earth is but a... Continue Reading →
Day 10 – Messenger
Messenger “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name. His mercy is for... Continue Reading →
Day 7 – Love
Love Nothing fancy today. As we light the second candle, we move closer to the arrival the Christ Child—and the gospel of Love which He brings.