Life Death Rivers Oceans Kayaking Sailing Rafting Huck Finn Captain Nemo Lazy River Log Flumes Skloosh Swimming Rain Sweat Boiling Solvent Chaos Floods Fertility Sprinklers pH Fish Dolphins Muck Canals Pipes Slip-n-Slides Skiing (both types) Steam Snow Sleet Ice WATER
Lent – Strength
Strength is not hard to find. It is all around us. It so ubiquitous we often fail to see it even when we see it every day. Here is just a short list of examples I often take for granted: The trees that stand day and night in all weather. The roads that take the... Continue Reading →
Lent – Penitential
It has happened again. The photo-a-day discipline has taken an unexpected twist. I ended up working 15+ hours yesterday, leaving from work at 11:00pm and arriving at home just before midnight. As I didn't take the camera with me, I failed to take the photo of "penitential" on the day it was supposed to... Continue Reading →
Lent – Gift
Congratulations on your upcoming Confirmation, Nicole. Our prayers are with you as you take this significant step in your spiritual life. Let these gifts be a reminder that you are not "graduating," but rather that you are taking a first step in a life of spiritual growth. Uncle Mike
Lent – Glorify
After two days of posting rather literal photographs of the day's theme, I'm going to go for a bit of a stretch today. Why do people climb a mountain? Part of it is the sense of accomplishment. Part of it is to find our limits. Part of it is, "because it's there." Whatever... Continue Reading →
Lent – Fruit
Two-Day Disclaimer: Because I was on a backpacking trip with the scouts this weekend, the photographs for these two days are going to have a similar theme. It also explains why today's post is a day late... but I did take the photo yesterday. I love backpacking. I love camping in general. But there is... Continue Reading →
Lent – Stations
Chose to go literal today. When I was growing up in the Lutheran church, it seemed to me that we defined ourselves not so much by Lutheran doctrine ("grace alone") as by "We're not Catholic." Anything that smelled of the Roman church was to be avoided. There was no crossing of ourselves (too... Continue Reading →
Lent – Humble
When it comes to the availability of food in this country, we clearly live in the land of plenty. Not only do we have large quantities of food right around the corner, we have a huge selection of types of food. In the world of prepared food, you can get almost anything your heart... Continue Reading →
Lent – Solitude
Solitude can cut two different ways. The human species is social—we need other people in order to be whole. Solitude can be lonely. Yet, we live in a world where we demands are put on our time by all those around us. Solitude can be refreshing. Today's snow allowed me to see both sides of... Continue Reading →
Lent – Adore
I'm sorry... so sorry. Despite my best efforts, and only one quarter of the way into this exercise, I have fallen victim to temptation. I have punned. Through my fault I have punned. Through my most grievous fault, I have punned. Now for my penance, I must try to atone by turning "a door" into... Continue Reading →