The “Original” Top Ten List

It has been a while since I've posted anything.  I've wanted to.  I've had ideas.  I just haven't found the time (when I wasn't entirely exhausted) to actually do so.   I spent this morning cleaning out my email inbox (got it down from 2500 entries with 350 unread to only 50 and none unread.)... Continue Reading →


As part of our confirmation program we have 6 one weekend retreats. I have always had fun on these and I love the challenges that they provide, but they do take up a bit of time and can sometimes become long and tiring. This cause my last one to be somewhat bittersweet. However, as part... Continue Reading →

Utopian World

Sometime last year I thought of something while I was trying to fall asleep. Yes, trying to fall asleep. This is why it takes me so long to fall asleep so often. It is when I tend to do some of my best thinking. Anyways, back to what I was thinking about. I was thinking... Continue Reading →

A Hero’s(?) Journey

 A few weekends ago, our whole family attended one of my daughter's confirmation retreats.  The theme of the weekend was "Sacraments and Sacramentals".  The context in which these topics were discussed was the "Hero's Journey" monomyth pattern identified by Joseph Campbell. At the end of the weekend, we were given the assignment to "write an essay... Continue Reading →

My Faith Journey

My faith journey has really only begun. There is still a lot more in the world that I need to experience and grow from, but I have taken the first few steps on my journey. In the fall of 2009 I lost one of my greatest mentors. Even though I was only nine at the... Continue Reading →

Head Vs. Heart

Has there ever been a point in life where you have a had a big decision that could affect the rest of your life? Has it felt like your heart tells you one way, but your head tells you the other? What do you do? Do you follow your heart and do what you truly love... Continue Reading →

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