Reflections on Things That Matter – Part 1: Character

The past few weeks have provided much to ponder and reflect on. As I have tried to sort through where we’ve been, what has happened, and where we might be heading, I am taking a different approach to just writing a blog piece, and doing a series, a 4-part series. There will be overlap, but it seems the best way to organize and share my thoughts.

Character matters. Let me just start with that. Character matters and it matters greatly. We can certainly debate what constitutes good character. But I am willing to bet that most, if not all, people would agree to that there are some universal good character traits…honesty, respect, compassion, kindness, loyalty, forthrightness, generosity, humility.

Unfortunately, many of us didn’t see those character traits in our president these last 4 years. Instead we witnessed and were bombarded with lies, mockery, cruelty, personal attacks, arrogance, backstabbing, and disrespect. It was, to say the least, demoralizing and exhausting. Many stopped paying attention to the news altogether as civility was never, or very, very rarely on display by the one holding the highest office in our nation.

The office of the President of the United States commands respect of whomever sits in the Oval Office, regardless if you voted for them or not. Yet, I think it is safe to say that most of us expect our president to conduct and carry themselves in a manner that is reflective such honor and respect. Good leaders lead by the example of their actions, not just by their words. I would even argue that leading by action is more important and carries more weight, simply because words tend to be easier and actions more difficult.

Tuesday’s Inaugural speech by President Biden was a welcomed breath of fresh air, filled with respect, compassion, and humility. For a brief moment I had a sense of being disoriented. I have gotten so used to hearing arrogance, nastiness, lies, name calling, threats, and so on, that for a very brief moment the new tone caught me off guard. Then I remembered that the tone of now former President Trump was not normal. His predecessors didn’t have his same tone. And it’s not as though his tone had changed once in office, or as a result of growing frustrations in office. His tone and his character were on full display in his speeches and actions before he was elected.

Character matters because that is who you are, who I am. It is not about being perfect, it is about traits we practice and try to live by. Do we fail at upholding those traits at all times? Of course we do…you and I and everyone who tries to live by those ideals fail at times, often even. But we keep trying. Our character matters as it impacts and guides our actions. Our words and actions reflect our character and the ideals we are striving for. Our character generally demonstrates to people if we can be trusted, if we tell the truth, if we are respectful, if we are caring and giving. The things we say, the things we do, are connected to and a reflection of our character.

Character matters. My character matters in my little corner of the world. The character of those in public office or in celebrity circles matter too and maybe on some level more so as more eyes and ears are on them. The character of our leaders matters tremendously. If for no other reason, they reflect what we hold dear and consider to be of value. I value honesty, respect, compassion, kindness, loyalty, forthrightness, generosity, humility. What about you?

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