Lent – Dust

Ash Wednesday is a day where we traditionally mark ourselves with a cross made of dust. We do this to remind ourselves of our mortality—we came from dust, we will return to dust. Today though, I chose to look at this a little differently.  Today, I will look at the cross as a way of... Continue Reading →

Lent Photo-a-Day Discipline

Well, I found the Advent Photo-a-Day Disciple to be rather rewarding, so I have decided to undertake the Lenten challenge as well.  The source for the daily word list this season is the Catholic Sistas blog site. I will again post these photos in three locations: The VMWishes blog site The VMWishes photo gallery The CTS... Continue Reading →

Monday Musings: 40 Photos

Half way there.  I'm at day 20 today.  So via our church's Pinterest board I found this Lenten photo a day challenge.  Except for Day 1, every day of Lent you are given a single word.  Sometimes it's a verb, sometimes a noun.  Sometimes there's an obvious image that comes to mind, sometimes I have... Continue Reading →

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