Advent 4 – Path

Some paths are familiar. Some are new. Some paths are well travelled. Some are known only to a few. Some paths lead to great places. Some are just there. Some paths are long. Some may only take you to the next yard over.

Advent 1 – Promise

Advent is about waiting in hope for a promise to be fulfilled. But waiting is never easy. Even when there is a promise of delivery, it is difficult to remain patient as we wait to discover if the promise will be realized or overlooked.

Advent 2021

It has been a couple years since I did an Advent photo challenge. In an attempt to reconnect with a sense of normalcy, I'm going to take this on again this year. I'm starting a couple days late, so for the first couple days, I'll be doubling up on words.

Pearls, Starfish, Life

Pearls, treasures, wants, dreams             Foolish, risky, courageous, daring                         Detachment, redefining, recognition, living All these words and ideas came out during a discussion of a very short story. A story of only 32 words by Jesus. Yes, one of the parables. I’m participating in a series of discussions focused on the book, Short Stories by Jesus. The author... Continue Reading →

Our Global Village and Neighbors

I recently read a post proposing that we were designed or meant to hold and respond to the hardships that happened in our village, not the world, and that we are suffering from our emotional circuit breakers being overloaded. I get it. It’s been an exhausting five and half years…at least.  As citizens of the world, more... Continue Reading →

Spring, Nesting, “Normal”

I seem to be working from a place of urgency lately. We have had some projects going on at home that I’m suddenly aware of feeling as though I’m nesting. Last month we cut down a maple tree in our front yard and we still have the logs gathered together and to the side. We... Continue Reading →

BOTH Joy AND Heartbreak

It’s spring, and the gorgeous Kwanzan cherry trees are at peak bloom here in metro DC. While we’ve had a bit of rain this spring, we’ve also had some spectacularly clear blue skies. The fig tree is putting forth shoots, gifted lilies of the valley plants are finally showing buds this year, and while a... Continue Reading →

Upsetting and Flipping Things

Flipping tables and chasing people away. I’ve always liked that story. What story? The Gospel story from this past Sunday, from John 2:13-22. It’s the story of Jesus arriving at the temple in Jerusalem and not liking what he sees, he starts chasing merchants and money changers out with a whip and turning their tables... Continue Reading →

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