Day 3 – Externals

Day 3 Today brought a new challenge — external conversation. Paul came home for the evening. Although I moved myself to a "remote" part of the house, hearing he and Valerie talk was unavoidable. The challenge was to note the conversation while not mentally inserting myself into it. It probably goes without saying that the... Continue Reading →

Day 2 – 12 minutes

Day 2 Today, I worked 14.5 hours, got home at 11:15, had dinner, spent a bit of time chatting with Valerie, and then sat down to do my daily meditation. I was exhausted going into it. I was a little nervous that I might fall asleep. But that was not the case. Rather than falling... Continue Reading →

Day 1 – 10 minutes

Day 1 Over the last few months, I have read "The Man on the Mountainside" by Susan Trott, "10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works," by Dan Harris, and now "The Great Transformation: The Beginning of Our Religious Traditions," by... Continue Reading →

Part2: The Gathering…The Church

It’s taken me a while to start putting my thoughts and feelings into words. I do remember looking through old Gathering photos 2 years ago as I was pulling some for a gift I was putting together for our Youth and Family Ministry Director who was stepping down. As her husband was emailing me more photos... Continue Reading →

Advent 12 – Voice

In a political climate where those who hold power seem totally unconcerned with the voice of the "little guy," I take a little bit of comfort in knowing that institutions like NPR give an opportunity for our voices to be heard at some level. SaveSave SaveSave

Advent 9 – Prepare

What a perfect daily word for me on a Monday. The scout moto is "Be Prepared."  So, I obviously took a photo of our scouts preparing for our weekly meeting as the SPL (senior patrol leader) reads the weekly announcements.  In a minute, I will give instructions preparing them for this weekend's "camping" trip.  Scouting... Continue Reading →

Advent 7 – Remember

Today’s photo may be a head scratcher as to how it ties to the word for the day... The discussions around the table all had some connection to the theme of memory/remembering. At one end of the spectrum of topics was a tutorial on setting up a password keychain on your iPhone.  At the other... Continue Reading →

Advent 6 – Perceive

To paraphrase... Perception is in the eye of the beholder. It is not always easy to look at something and know exactly what the differences are between what you are seeing and what is actually there. True of images (  True of most things.

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