As I'm sitting here looking out the window as the country flies by below, I am struck by how the human species has been working tirelessly (and quite successfully) at fulfilling our goal of manifest destiny.This is extremely apparent in the pre-dawn hours when you see lights as far as you can see in all... Continue Reading →
Advent 5 – Justice
This one might be a bit of a stretch, but it illustrates how my thought process comes together... We live in a world of great inequity. The haves have so much more than the have nots... This is not just about the stuff we own. It is about our access to information, our ability to... Continue Reading →
Advent 3 – Soul
No caption necessary today...
Advent 4 – Path
Some paths are familiar. Some are new. Some paths are well travelled. Some are known only to a few. Some paths lead to great places. Some are just there. Some paths are long. Some may only take you to the next yard over.
Advent 2 – Strength
Born of clay and fire passing the days unnoticed steadfast all day long.
Advent 1 – Promise
Advent is about waiting in hope for a promise to be fulfilled. But waiting is never easy. Even when there is a promise of delivery, it is difficult to remain patient as we wait to discover if the promise will be realized or overlooked.
Advent 2021
It has been a couple years since I did an Advent photo challenge. In an attempt to reconnect with a sense of normalcy, I'm going to take this on again this year. I'm starting a couple days late, so for the first couple days, I'll be doubling up on words.
Advent 12 – Voice
In a political climate where those who hold power seem totally unconcerned with the voice of the "little guy," I take a little bit of comfort in knowing that institutions like NPR give an opportunity for our voices to be heard at some level. SaveSave SaveSave
Advent 11 – Revealed
Revelation comes when light is shown into the darkness. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel and ransom us today. SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave
Advent 10 – Glory
Zechariah 2:5 (note this only works in certain translations, including KJV and MSG, not NIV) SaveSave SaveSave