Good Fences make Good Neighbors (?)

I was mowing the lawn the other day and thinking about this, that, and the other.  As I began mowing near the fence separating our yard from our neighbor's (the one pictured to the left), the famous line/quote from Robert Frost's "Mending Wall" came to mind  "Good fences make good neighbors" I began picking it... Continue Reading →

A Hero’s(?) Journey

 A few weekends ago, our whole family attended one of my daughter's confirmation retreats.  The theme of the weekend was "Sacraments and Sacramentals".  The context in which these topics were discussed was the "Hero's Journey" monomyth pattern identified by Joseph Campbell. At the end of the weekend, we were given the assignment to "write an essay... Continue Reading →

The Gospel of Genesis

I have been attempting to write this post for well over a week now.  I knew what I wanted to write about.  I have had many thoughts on what I wanted to say.   I simply could not find a way to join these thoughts into any sort of coherent order. For the last few... Continue Reading →

50 Shades of Hate

I have a confession to make.  It's not something of which I'm terribly proud.  It is, however, a part of who I am. I am a racist. I am a homophobe. These are not statements you normally hear someone say about themselves.  These are not goals to which most (civilized) people aspire.  And, if you... Continue Reading →

Moral Authority?

In the last few weeks, the same question has come at me from a couple different directions in a couple different forms. In a recent tete-a-tete I had with a Facebook friend and fellow scouter, he postulated that his morality was based on biblical teaching while mine was based on nothing but my feelings, and... Continue Reading →

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