Have we lost our ability to wonder?
Is it not enough to understand just enough to be amazed?
Sometimes knowing leads to awe.
Sometimes, it removes all mystery, leaving a hollowness.
Can I be okay with the not knowing?
As one poet writes…live the questions.
Maybe we need to live the mystery, live the wonder.
Watch and wait while wondering.
I do not need to know exactly how the Trinity is,
Or how the universe came to be,
Or why it is that a spider is made to spin webs.
Can I let go of needing to know what tomorrow will bring,
Or why it will bring what it brings?
Can I allow the mystery to be and unfold,
Watching, waiting, and wondering peacefully as it does?
I wonder.
Advent evening vespers have been following the theme of Watch, Wait, Wonder, and Worship…providing much to ponder.
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