Christmas is almost here!
There is still so much to do.
My wife and I are handling the stress very differently—and I suspect we are adding to each other’s stress as a result of these different approaches. She has been scampering around doing thousands of tasks. I am in denial—and will begin scampering over the next few days. I must trust that everything will find a way of working itself out.
I recall another time when we were not ready and had no control over the timeline.
The baby is almost here!
There is still so much to do.
My wife and I are on the road to Bethlehem to register for the census. She is due any day and we don’t even have reservations for where we will sleep when get there. I am must trust that everything will find a way of working itself out.
Now is the time when we need to force ourselves to take a breath, find peace, and prepare ourselves for the arrival—for when the child arrives everything will be turned on end.
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