In all reality, was born August 19, 1989. On that date, Valerie and I married in Champaign, Illinois. The moniker “VMWishes,” did not come around for another year or so... Just married and just out of college, Valerie had just started her first real job and I was in graduate school. Bottom line... we could... Continue Reading →
Canticle of the Turning
As we enter this Advent season, I'm finding it difficult to contemplate what is down the road for the next four years (and beyond). Like so many folks, I feel betrayed by so many of my countrymen that wear the banner of patriotism while espousing ideas that are so far from why I am proud... Continue Reading →
When the Heart is Heavy
The world seems to be tilting in the wrong direction these days. There's a lot, too much, to process. What is laying heavy on your heart? Something on this list, or something else? The list is unfortunately not all inclusive. How are you lessening the heaviness? That list is also not all inclusive. Being in... Continue Reading →
Listen, Look…Be Still
In a clearing, in the woods, at the edge of a mountain, sits a little house. The living space stretches to the porch, the patio, the stone walls, and the yard beyond. A sign for a local church on the street marks where to turn, from there, find the gravel lane, its curves concealing the... Continue Reading →
Come to the Table
Earlier this year I wrote a piece reflecting on my first semester of seminary and at one point I mentioned about the unexpected “church crisis”. In part the result of the sudden concentration of church history, biblical studies, and theology, a disconnect started emerging for me. The disconnect centers on the tension between the church... Continue Reading →
Week 7 – Waiting
So, here we are at the end of Lent. We have arrived at the Triduum, the Three Sacred Days, observed by some communities with a worship service which spans well, three days. Worship starts Maundy Thursday with foot washing and Holy Communion, continues on Good Friday with Christ’s Passion and crucifixion, and ends Saturday (in... Continue Reading →
Week 6 – Hospitality
I have been mulling this one over for some time, like more than a year. My seminary readings for 3 of my 4 classes have landed on hospitality at some point this semester. Hospitality comes in all sorts of forms and styles, and happens in a variety of places. In the past few years we... Continue Reading →
Week 5 – Sighs
As I suspected, this week is feeling a bit like Week 4 of summer swim season. I bet you are wondering how I’m equating this week of Lent with swim season. For those who do summer swim, you probably get it…those of you who have been part of our County swim league team definitely get... Continue Reading →
Week 4 – Call
Everyone has a calling or vocation, or even several. We just don’t tend to think about it using those terms. The word call, or calling, I suspect tends to be heard and understood as churchy. People feel called to ministry, and ministry itself is strongly tied to church language. Churches which select their own pastors... Continue Reading →
Week 3 – Kairos
The right, or opportune, time is the meaning of the ancient Greek word kairos. And no, I did not learn it in my ancient Greek language class, I knew the word prior to the class. In church circles kairos is used to differentiate from chronos…our time, linear time, measured in hours, days, etc. Theologically, kairos... Continue Reading →
Week 2 – Enough
Early last month I “attended” (I Zoomed in) the ELCA Youth Ministry Network conference known as The Extravaganza. The theme this year was “Enough”. Between workshops and speakers, we covered “Enough” from numerous angles. And I’ve been pondering the theme since. For those who observe Lent and engage in a Lenten disciple, giving up something... Continue Reading →