Our Global Village and Neighbors

I recently read a post proposing that we were designed or meant to hold and respond to the hardships that happened in our village, not the world, and that we are suffering from our emotional circuit breakers being overloaded. I get it. It’s been an exhausting five and half years…at least.  As citizens of the world, more... Continue Reading →

What Do I See When I Look Out?

That was the question put to me recently by my pastor. My initial answer…I didn’t know. Words were, are, failing me at this moment. Of course the question and answers simmered after we hung up. The short answer would be the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful. At the moment, do I have a... Continue Reading →

Good Fences make Good Neighbors (?)

I was mowing the lawn the other day and thinking about this, that, and the other.  As I began mowing near the fence separating our yard from our neighbor's (the one pictured to the left), the famous line/quote from Robert Frost's "Mending Wall" came to mind  "Good fences make good neighbors" I began picking it... Continue Reading →

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